Equity Term Loan

This is only applicable for private property owners, where owners can take a loan based based on 75% of their property value, minus any outstanding loan and the CPF used. The amount will also be affected by the TDSR, where the loan repayments cannot be more than 60% of your monthly income. 

Example, if your property is valued at $1,500,000, Outstanding Loan is $500,000 and CPF used + accrued interest = $200,000.

Therefore, the Maximum Equity Term loan is $425,000. 


Do feel free to let me know if you need me to help in your financial calculations. 
I will be most glad to assist you in your property dreams. 
Thank you in advance for your time!

Eugene Cheng
ERA Marketing Director
HP: 92281680
Email: chengsproperty@gmail.com
CEA No:     R063301E

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